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  • Registrant : 那覇市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/22
  • Published : 2023/12/22
  • Changed :2023/12/22
  • Total View : 1047 persons
2024/2/1 - 2024/2/12 / 那覇市 / Other

Okinawa Ceramic Art Exhibition [Tsuboya Pottery Museum, Naha City].

Today, many ceramic artists are creating works of art in Okinawa Prefecture. Their expressions are surprisingly diverse. However, the image of Okinawan ceramics that has taken root since the postwar reconstruction period is so strong that it is difficult to say that the diversity of Okinawan ceramics has been fully introduced within and outside of the prefecture.

Today, many ceramic artists are creating works of art in Okinawa Prefecture. Their expressions are surprisingly diverse. However, the image of Okinawan ceramics that has taken root since the postwar reconstruction period is so strong that it is difficult to say that the diversity of Okinawan ceramics has been fully introduced within and outside of the prefecture.

Address 那覇市
Date 2024/2/1 - 2024/2/12
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